Translation: Article: Photography and Music: Process, Content, and Dissemination
Translation: Article: Photography and Music: Process, Content, and Dissemination Photography and Music: Process, Content, and Dissemination Charlotte Cotton Translated by: Maryam Asgari, Dariush Asgari In this article, Charlotte Cotton seeks to explore the philosophy behind the emergence of digital technologies...
“Taghi” from Iran Receives an Honorary Diploma at the Tampere Film Festival
The short film “Taghi” directed by Kourosh Asgari received the Honorary Diploma in the International Section of the Tampere Film Festival. A scene from the film Taghi, photographed by Maryam Asgari According to ISNA, the Tampere Short Film Festival, one...
Staging in Photography
Title: Staged Photography: A Historical and Analytical Review Author: Larry PaoliTranslators: Maryam Asgari, Dariush AsgariPublisher: Shour Afarin PublicationsISBN: 9782000464938Format: Royal (Vaziri)Pages: 203Binding: Gilt-edged Hardcover Overview: “Since the invention of the camera, photographers have sought to tell stories through their art...